the 4th in DC...

i could not imagine living in DC, being this close to our capitol and not going down to the mall to see the fireworks on our nations independence day. i know a lot of people would be put off by the massive crowds down there. but, it actually gave me a 4th of july high! i LOVED that there were thousands of us sitting for hours, laughing, playing, eating...all for the same purpose.

but, even with all that electricity in the air, we still had to get creative with our time. here, melissa and i are our showing that we have the holiday spirit, right down to our toes!

last year was a slight bummer since illya worked late and didn't make it down to the mall in time to see the fireworks. i'm happy to report that, this year, the boys were let off early and he was able to meet us with plenty of time to spare before the show started. i'm so glad he didn't miss this opportunity again.
i couldn't resist getting a shot of the blue glow from all the cameras taking pictures of the show.
gotta' love the red...
...the white...

...and the blue!
illya and i with our apx friend, vairin. i thought it was appropriate to get a shot with
"husband #1" and "husband #2"! =)

i was so thrilled to have melissa come all the way from oregon to be here for the 4th. i'm so happy we were here to share this with her
(and we don't look too bad in this picture, if i do say so myself! =)

and here we are with our new tennessee native friends, caden and amanda
(aka "caleb" and "la'manda")
it's not the greatest picture, but i had to give them props by being able to spot and sit next to the coolest people at the mall! it was great getting to know you two. we are excited for our new friendship with y'all!

and, finally, the grand finale'!

i hope everyone enjoyed their 4th as much as we did!
happy independence, everyone!


  Stacie S-H

12:49 PM

aww what a fun 4th of july! and what a cool cool place to watch the fireworks go off! I love the pic of you eating the popsicle. I wish my camera could do that. Glad you had a great 4th!


1:34 PM

I love your pictures! What an amazing experience! I'm so glad Illya got to join you this year :-)
Have a great rest of the summer! Miss you!!!!!

  Crafty Cowgirl

2:24 PM

thx for explaining what the mall is and for sharing those picts... Even though dave got home before the fireworks started we decided to go out to eat then chill at home instead of seeing fireworks. It was still a great nite for me because I got to spend time with him

  The Hymas Clan

5:34 PM

What an awesome way to spend the
4th!!! Those fireworks looked pretty amazing! It's Thayne's favorite holiday, so we get a pretty good show!!!


8:16 PM

that is one experience i am sad i missed this year. that was sooo fun last year! but we did get to see a great little show here. so i guess i should be content!


8:28 PM

Good job guys and so glad you got to see it together...who knows what next year will bring!!!


1:14 AM

That is totally awesome! I am truly envious. I am glad you guys are having such a good time out there! Great Photo's!

  Adam and Dantzelle

12:12 PM

I love all your pics! LOVE the popsicle one and of you and Melissa(WAY HOTT). The one with Husband #1 and #2 is HILARIOUS! Basically I loved your whole post! But I love you most. :>