proud as punch...

i always knew my husband was talented. and, when we found out this last summer that the smithsonian had recognized his talents by picking one of his pictures as their picture of the day, he finally knew it, too. so, you could imagine how thrilled i was when i found out that the smithsonian had picked yet another picture of his!!

(click on the picture below for the link)

after seeing this, he then showed me some of the finished pictures he did of our friends little girl. they are simply beautiful of a beautiful baby.
you never stop amazing me, my dear.


  Hilary and Brian

11:03 AM

they are amazing pictures! if we visit will he take our family pictures!?


1:39 PM

oh yeah!


3:57 PM

Why can't you live closer?? We need Noah's first year pictures done! :)

That is so amazing that another of his pictures was chosen! Go Illya!

  Stacie S-H

5:46 PM

OOh man these are amazing! gosh! and congrats another one of his photos got picked. SupER COOL! maybe he will take a few pix of me when i come to oregon again???


10:51 PM

We are proud as punch too! Great job Ilya! We LOVE your pictures! And hope you will be kind enough to take some of our kids....when the next one decides to grace us with its presence :-)
You are definitely the best photographer I know :-)


11:49 PM

that's awesome! congratulations :) the pictures are beautiful!


4:53 PM

AWESOME AWESOME!!!! I want Illya to take our family pictures when Doug comes home in March for R and R! Give me all the details on pricing! He is fabulouso!

  Piter and Heidi

8:41 AM

Good job Illya!!! Great subject too!!!


12:59 AM

That is so awesome and such an accomplishment! Way to go!


2:55 PM

The photos are amazing! You two are both so talented! Miss you!

  Michael and Jessica Terry

9:37 PM

Sarah you look amazing in all your pictures!! I love the pictures they are amazing, it looks like you guys had so much fun! Ok so i just read how you and Illya meet, or how you "found" him, ha you are so funny i laughed way hard! I freaking miss and love ya tons and cant wait to see you!!!