for a part of my birthday present to myself, i went with my sister, misty, and roommate/ friend, jenn, so to see
in concert!
let me tell ya', my throat still is sore from all the screaming we did!

it was awesome to see our favorites from this last season, like kapono, jason, janette (my favorite girl) and brandon, the TRUE winner for me!
they did a TON of dances that we loved watching this last season, like
the awesome cha cha routine...
the "breast cancer dance"...
the "necklace dance"...
the zombie routine...
the "addiction dance"
(still gives me chills!)...
the adorable "butt dance"...
and the groovy disco!
they also had several group dances, like
the "one singular sensation" dance...
and that hot, steamy night club routine!
...and that adorable super hero dance for the 3 final girls...
they even had some new routines, made just for the tour.
this one made fun of the horrible russian routine jeanine & philip did.
this time around, it was stupendous!
...and the grand finale dance was a nod to the 70' you can see from the smiles on our faces, we had so much fun!

thank you, girls, for enjoying my birthday present to myself with me!
see ya' next tour!


  Hilary and Brian

3:02 PM

oooohhhhhh my gggggoooosssshhhh!!!!! i'm sooo jealous i would do anything to go to a sytycd tour!! i youtube the dances all the time hahah last season was my very favorite! did brandon do that ridiculous solo of his i about died when i saw that holy crap!! him and janette were like a power house!


3:58 PM

Looks like you had fun :-) Did you take those pictures? a-MAZ-ing!
I still have never gotten too into watching any of those dancing shows, but Mak sure loves them. It is so adorable to watch her try and imitate the moves!

  Stacie S-H

4:04 PM

LUCKY!!! out of all the tours i would want to go to that one! LUCKY! I just havent gotten into this season thats going on right now. not sure why. nobody stands out to me and maybe they just put it too close to the other season finishing. :( sadness. ahhh man i love love love your pix!


12:01 PM

Oh my goodness! I am so jealous! I bet they were fabulous in person! I loved most of those dances last season! Glad you got to go!


1:56 PM

Sooooooo jealous! I didn't even know they were coming. I want to go next time. That show is my new obsession. Love it!