a present among presents...

my father admits he is a lazy wrapper. he thinks using gift bags for every present is
"just fine"
i know how much illya hates wrapping as well, but i still asked him,
"don't be like my dad! please wrap at least a few of my presents."
there is nothing like ripping into a present on Christmas morning and seeing the papers fly to bring you back to your childhood. i crave that sound of crumpling wrapping paper! after explaining this to illya, i got his famous eye roll. the next day, i went downstairs, and under the tree, among the beautifully wrapped presents that i did, i saw these...

i couldn't help but laugh, hysterically, as i ran for my camera to get some pictures.
thank you, m
y love. i know you tried for me and i'm sure you hated every minute of it.

just another reason why i love this holiday.



5:09 PM

Truly wrapped from the heart!


2:40 PM

those are great! at least he tried because you wanted him to. that counts for a lot in my book.


2:36 AM

Piter didn't know how to wrap when he got to America but he knows how now! Unfortunately he won't go buy me presents unless I am with him to say what I want...Oh well, at least I don't get something I really don't want that way!!! Congratulations Illya on not only wrapping but doing the shopping as well!!!